Archive for the ‘investment property’ Category

Breakdown of townhouse purchase costs

Friday, February 13th, 2009


Here are the final numbers on the rental property that I purchased.

Price: $106,000
Interest rate: 5.125%
Term: 30 years
Down payment: $21,200
Principal & Interest: $457.37
Taxes & Insurance: $128.87
Total monthly payment: $586.24
Estimated rent: $770

The townhouse is 1100 sq.ft., 2 beds & 2 baths, washer, dryer, carport, and small back yard. It has a great central location and should rent easily. I have another property nearby that is very easy to rent.

It needs some cleanup and repair work in the kitchen, fire alarms, blinds in the windows, new toilet sets, etc. There is nothing big that we have to do to it. With my wife and kids pitching in, we should have it ready to go by the end of the weekend.

Here are a few more photos of the kitchen, the living room, and the back yard.

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Townhouse Offer Details & Presentation to Am. Businesswomen Assoc.

Friday, January 16th, 2009

Update on Investment Property Purchase Offer

Last week I made an offer of $105,000 on a 1100 sq ft townhouse that was being offered in a range of $115,000 to $125,000.

I asked for sellers to pay 2% of the the value of the house to help with closing cost (about $2,000)(see my previous article about a key phrase to include in your purchase offer to reduce closing costs)

The sellers countered with an offer of $112,000. I sent a note to the sellers saying “in order for this to work for us as a rental property, we have to stay pretty close to our original offer.” And I replied that we wanted to stay at $105,000.

After a little more back-and-forth we finally settled on $106,000 and they paid the 2%.

Other townhouses in the complex rent for $775 and my monthly mortgages payments should come in below $600 per month.

Presentation to American Businesswomen Association

Last Tuesday I made a presentation to the ABA about how I got started in the house fixer upper business. I’m trying to get out a little more to make presentations to various groups to promote my book.

It was really a warm and friendly group. They treated me to dinner and asked a lot good questions about the fixer-upper business, and they purchased many copies of my book.

Info on Terry’s Book

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Millionaires and rental properties

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

What do millionaires do that most other people don’t do?

According to Thomas Stanley, in The Millionaire Next Door, most American millionaires own their own houses, and they own at least one rental property.

Rental houses are the silent wealth creator.

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There is still loan money available for purchasing investment property

Monday, October 27th, 2008

With all the bad news about Wall Street and the credit market, with banks unwilling to loan money even to each other, what hope is there for the average fixer upper house investor? The situation may not be as bad as you may think!

Here’s why:

1. There is plenty of money available for home mortgage loans, either to purchase or refinance a house. This is because the American home mortgage market has been federalized. Ninety percent of all loans are being made through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), plus Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. FHA is owned by the federal government and Fannie and Freddie are operating under federal conservatorship, so all three have complete access to global capital at low rates because their borrowings are guaranteed by the Treasury Department.

2. Despite tougher credit standards, you can still get a loan for 3 percent down
with FHA, or 5 percent down on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac programs.

3. Interest rates are still at historic lows.

4. Home prices, dragged down by foreclosures and short sales, are at 2003 and 2004

For more details see Kenneth Harney’s article Crises Aside, Would-be Buyers Can Still Get Reasonably Price Loans.

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"Fix em Up, Rent em Out" wins USA Book Finalist Award

Monday, October 20th, 2008

I’m pleased to announce that my book, “Fix em Up Rent em Out,” is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Real Estate category of the National Best Books 2008 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News.

Top 50 Amazon Reviewer D. Blankenship says,

What this work does give you is ideas and an outline, that through hard work, common sense, and a bit of luck, you can do quite well for yourself and have a bit of fun while you do it. The author is quick to point out the down side of every aspect of this business and points out ways, if there are any, to avoid them. On the other hand, the author does a wonderful job of pointing out the positive. He not only emphasizes the financial aspects, but does a very nice job of drawing attention to the many side benefits involved, and there are many of these! I like the way that the author directs your attention to the fact that a job well done is a wonderful feeling. The author has listed given us a great list of other books and resources to turn to which I find most helpful. Actually, his list of places to go for information is almost worth the price of the book alone.

A complete list of winners and finalists in each category can be found at:

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Guest article at Moolanomy

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

Is it a good idea to invest in fixer upper houses in today’s economy?

I invite you to read my guest article Recession-Proof Investing with Fixer-Upper Rentals over at the ever-insightful

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Do This Before You Sign the Closing Documents!

Friday, August 29th, 2008

In the fixer upper house business sometimes we need to anticipate the unanticipatable!

What’s the most important thing that you should do before signing the closing documents to buy a house?

Check out my piece entitled Don’t Go to Closing Before Doing This, Or You May Really Regret It!.

The article recounts my ill-fated effort to purchase a house last month, and the valuable lesson that I learned.

Info on Terry’s Book

Press and Media

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The Door of Opportunity is Open

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

It’s easy to get started investing in real estate, but there are few basics you will need to get going on the right foot.

For further guidance read my latest ezine article entitled “The Door of Opportunity For REI is Always Open, But Bring Along Good Credit and a Desire to Learn”.

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Fixer Uppers for Shrimps

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Would you like to start investing in fixer-upper houses in your spare time?

Check out my new article Fixer Upper Investing For the Small Investor – People 5’6″ Or Shorter. It may be easier than you think to work your 8 to 5:00 job and start a fixer-upper house business on the side.

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How I got started in the fixer uppers

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Buying fixer upper houses and converting them into rental houses is a great business. And anyone can do it. You don’t need a certificate, you don’t need a degree, and you don’t need anyone’s permission. You just do it!

To view a condensed version of how I got started in the fixer-upper business, check out my article at This is the version with no bells or whistles, and no accompanying three-part harmony.

The townhouse closing may or may not happen today. If not, Angy has to catch a flight out of town tomorrow. In that case, we will have to sign power of attorney over to me so that I can sign for both of us at closing.

Just like the recipe for my famous extra-chewy chocolate chip cookies, the plot thickens!

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