Posts Tagged ‘how to be a guest on radio shows’

What Riles Me Up – How to be a great radio show guest

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Yesterday, I participated in a telephone seminar on “how to be a good guest on radio shows.” I have been on many radio shows to promote my books, but I’m always looking for new ways to be a better guest, or perhaps more appropriately, a greater guest.

One point that the presenter mentioned really struck me. He said that radio shows prefer guests who have a strong opinion. They want you to be riled up about something.

Not gonna take it.

The presenter asked, “Why are you angry? What are you going to do about it? What makes you angry about your profession?”

I told the presenter, “I buy fixer upper houses in Arizona and turn them into rental properties, and I write books, but I’m not really angry about anything.”

He said, “Aren’t you angry about the economy, or the fact that a lot of Canadians are buying up foreclosed houses in Arizona?”

I said, “No way.

Let me entertain you, eh?

Sure, our Canadian friends have infiltrated the entertainment industry with singers, actors, and comedians practically indistinguishable from their American counterparts, but they don’t buy fixer upper houses, which is my gig; and the recession makes houses cheaper for me to buy.

But, I was angry when I had my work hours reduced during the 2001 recession. That forced me to change my way of thinking about what constituted economic security, and got me started on my fixer-upper house business. That’s also motivated me write my first book.

Looking back, I was wrong to be riled up at the recession. What I should have been riled up at was my own blindness and misplaced faith in something as ephemeral as a steady economy. I should have been riled up that I waited for a disaster to strike before I took action.

Maybe my approach should be that I am riled up about other people who don’t learn from their own painful experience, or from mine. Not that everyone should run out and buy fixer-upper houses, but everyone should  establish economic security, or carve out their niche, apart from, or in addition to, their 9-5 job.”

He replied, after a thoughtful pause, “maybe that’s it … people who never plan for a safety net.

This is the major problem we are seeing … if people prepared, they wouldn’t be so panicked.”

So that’s it.

Now I have something to be riled up about; to express my rightful indignation over.

Preparing for my next  radio interview

Watch out!

When I hit the radio waves to promote my next book I’ll come out swinging! Grrrr!

Weekly Blog Roundup

Additional recent blog articles that I liked:

How to make a vacant property look occupied at Landlord Investor

Amazing Entrepreneurs – Interview With Diane Conklin at Louisville Gals

5 Thoughts Women Wish Men Knew and Theodore Roosevelt at Fearless Men

5 Easy Methods to Save Money without Thinking at Frugal Habits

Greek Hummus Dip Recipe at Work Save Live  (mmmm)

PoP Balance Sheet – September 2012 at Planting Our Pennies

What Happens to Kids Who Were Bullied? at Blue Collar Workman (Are you looking at me?)

GRE Tips: Acing The GRE As A Middle Aged Person Long After College at Untemplater

Tax Implications Of Running A Blog at Modest Money

Why buying the most expensive motorcycle on Ebay saved me money at Reach Financial Independence

Too Old To Have This Much Crap at Any Shiny Thing

Rental Property Series: How Much Did it Cost at Eyes on the Dollar

Extra Income During the Holidays at Making Sense of Cents


Coming Soon!

How to Turn Your Home into a Rental House, Instead of Selling It