Archive for the ‘Robert Bruss’ Category

So long Robert Bruss, we’re going to miss you

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

The world of real estate investing lost a giant pillar with the passing of Robert Bruss. He was a prolific writer who could address a wide variety of issues, and describe them in a style that was easy for the average person to grasp. It was unusual to open up the business section of a newspaper and not find an informative article by Bruss. This piece in provides more details about Bruss’ career.

I wrote a blog piece on September 12th about Robert Bruss and his recent webpage article about locating fixer-uppers that have profit potential. It was a top-notch article. In the same blog, I also poked a little fun at him for not responding to my request for some comments on my book.

We have lost a true guide and helpful friend in Robert Bruss.

Info on Terry’s Book

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